Saturday, April 27, 2013

First Post

Going back to school after you already have your bachelor's degree can present many challenges. Usually going back to school after you already have a bachelor's degree means you are going back to school for something more specific. You already went out into the workforce but had limited options based on your area of study and previous work experience. Going back to school for an intended goal, not just because going is what your parents told you that you have to do after high school, brings a very unique approach to your studies. This also usually means that you will be either working part time and going to school full time, or working full time and going to school part time.

I went started SUNY Farmingdale as a full time student. I entered the certificate program for Computer Information Systems. After an unsatisfying start to my career within the legal industry, and little interest becoming an attorney, I wanted to pursue some type of schooling in something that was more interesting to me. CIS has been everything and more.

The challenges of being a full time student, working, trying to network and break into your new industry, having a social life, and enjoying your own hobbies and interests can be a tireless task. I am about to finish my second semester at Farmingdale and I still do not think that I have it down straight. Each day, each situation is a learning experience. My most important thing to do right now is focus on getting the best grades as possible (and spending some time with my girlfriend).