Friday, May 3, 2013

Working and going back to school

For many people who are thinking about going back to school after receiving a bachelor's degree face an major obstacle, work.  As everyone gets old you have more and more responsibilities and things to take care of. It is often hard to forget all about making an income and focus only on one's studies. This forces people going back to school to choose to either go to school part time and work full time, go to school full time and work part time, or try the ever so challenging task of working full time and going to school full time. This creates a much greater controversy than a student during their undergraduate studies working. People who go back to school after their bachelors are more focused on what they want to study and looking to make a career change. They have a purpose for being at school, and it is not just because their parents made them go to college. Naturally this would motivate someone to want to do the absolute best school work they possibly can do. When you work however, time is taken away form your studies. It important to be able to balance work and school and some type of personal life when. Going back to school is becoming very popular with the economy trying to make its way back to prosperity. The previous slumping economy has changed the job prospects across many different popular industries. Anthonia Akitunde write about some of the issues for people going back to school in her article on the Huffington Post.

I was faced with a tough challenge because I was luck enough to find not one, but two jobs in the IT industry while at school. Both companies were not too demanding on my hours, and were flexible with me and my school schedule. I was constantly faced with the dilemma of trying to go the extra mile and make a good impression with my new bosses. I also found it important to get good grades in school. There is no other way to show a potential employer that you are interested in a field than to get good grades in relevant course work.

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